Upcoming Events


Spring Clean-Up 2023

April 22, 2022


1036 East Boulevard
Cleveland, Ohio 44108

The German Cultural Garden needs your help! It’s for spring clean-up.

The German Garden and Cultural Foundation Inc. would like to invite you to join us to help beautify this Garden we have been blessed with.
Please join us for food and beverages, and see for yourself the vast area the German Cultural Garden covers and the beauty it contributes to Rockefeller Park.
More Information to come……………..

Hope to see you there.

Next meeting: March 4, 2023 @ 2:00pm
and every 2 weeks thereafter.

Stammtisch / German Meet Up

Cleveland Maennerchor
4515 State Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44109

This is a group for anyone interested in speaking and or practicing their German Language. All skill levels are welcome. It is also a group that participates in NE Ohio German/Austrian and Swiss Cultural activities including road trips to out-of-town locations offering cultural opportunities. The group is open to all interested individuals and does not require you to be of Germanic ancestry. Meetings will be held at Cleveland Maennerchor every 2 weeks on Saturdays. The Meetup will be social in nature whose goal will be to allow members to practice their German language skills and meet others with similar interests. The group is being funded for the first year by the DANK Education and School Fund, a non-profit 501 c-3 organization.

April 2nd’s meeting will consist of watching a movie “Zwei am großen See”  and following will be a time to talk and discuss.


Hofbrauhaus Cleveland

Where:                                  1550 Chester Avenue       Cleveland, OH 44114
216-621-BEER  (2337)               


 Welcome to Hofbräuhaus Cleveland, modeled after the legendary 400+ year-old Hofbräuhaus in Munich, Germany! Guests are now able to enjoy many of the traditions from Germany that have made Hofbräuhaus famous. From the traditionally decorated rooms in the building to the beer that is brewed on-site, and of course the excellent German fare, Hofbräuhaus Cleveland is a memorable experience for all.




Cleveland Maennerchor

4515 State road
Cleveland,  OH 44109

The Cleveland Männerchor was formed by the consolidation of the Heights Male Chorus (Heights Männerchor) and the Schwäbischer Sängerbund in 1967. The Heights Male Chorus was one of the most long-lived German singing societies founded in Cleveland. It was formed in 1873, a full 25 years after the first society, The FROHSINN SINGING SOCIETY. The purpose was not necessarily to compete with other singing guilds but rather to add to the amount of Germanic song in the area. The Männerchor is a testament to the large influx of German immigrants to this area which, in turn, served to enrich our culture and diversity. The German people have always loved to sing. The Cleveland Männerchor strives to promote this German tradition of song in the hope that it will continue to flourish as it has for over a century here in Cleveland.


Cleveland Donauschwaben

(Lenau Park)

7370 Columbia Road
Olmsted Twp., OH 44138

The German-American Cultural Center is home to the Cleveland Donauschwaben (Danube Swabians) ethnic group. The Donauschwaben are a German ethnic group that primarily immigrated to America following World War II and created a society to celebrate their traditions and language.
The Cleveland Donauschwaben have a very active membership of all ages that enjoys participating in a variety of groups and activities. Without the hard work and dedication of all of our ancestors, the traditions we have kept, the friendships that have formed, and the memories that have been made would not have been possible.
The goals of the German-American Cultural Center are to promote and continue the traditions of our Donauschwaben ancestors through the language, song, dance, music, dress and customs of our ancestors. We pay tribute to our ancestors that have endured so many hardships and worked so hard to give the future generations so much.


German Family Society of Akron Inc.

3871 Ranfield Rd.
Kent, OH 44240

The German Family Society was founded in 1955 at St. Bernard’s Catholic church by Danubeswabian (Folk-German), German and Austrian immigrants. In the 1960s, we moved to the German American Club in Akron, then in 1973 to our present location (Donau Park) in Brimfield Twp. We are a non-profit, private and social organization whose charter is to promote our culture and pass down our ethnic heritage and family values to future generations. We are proud of the fact that our entire facility is maintained by members who volunteer their time and energy. We have approximately 12-15 major functions each year, including indoor dances with themes such as: Vienna Night, a Wine/Grape Harvest Festival, a Royal Ball, a New Year’s Eve Formal, and even a Hawaiian Night (with a terrific, authentic Hawaiian show put on by our national prize-winning Youth Group Dancers). We also sponsor Concert-Dances each year with famous performers from Germany and Austria. Of course, our best-known events are the 2-day “Old European Days & Bierfest” held every year on the last weekend of June, and our 3-day “Oktoberfest”, called by local TV as the best, most original and traditional Oktoberfest in the State of Ohio.


The Gottscheer Club of Cleveland, Ohio

8636 Pekin Road
Novelty, Ohio 44072

Gottscheer Park has been the home of E.O.U.V. for more than 35 years. Located in Novelty, a southeast suburb of Cleveland, Gottscheer Park is a beautiful 56 acre setting for just about all of the club’s social and cultural events.
The central feature of the park is the clubhouse, where activities occur year-round. The clubhouse contains a banquet and performance hall, and a full kitchen and bar. The hall hosts weddings and other events regularly. A large stage provides the venue for the club choir, dance group, brass band, and others to perform and entertain guests. Come to any event and you’ll find a staff of talented club members preparing dinner, tending bar, and faithfully serving guests.
A portion of the clubhouse existed when the property was purchased in the early 1980s. Club members expanded that original building into the clubhouse that exists today. Club meetings are held monthly in the upstairs portion of the original building.
The caretaker’s house is a beautiful A-frame building built by club members which serve as living quarters for the caretaker and family. The picturesque view from its balcony features one of the two ponds located on the property.
Behind the clubhouse, a three-season pavilion provides a great weatherproof venue for outdoor events such as the 4th-of-July picnic. The pavilion also includes a bar, kitchen, stage, and dance floor for the convenience and entertainment of guests.
Take a stroll around Gottscheer Park, and you’ll also find a children’s playground, a gazebo, a chapel dedicated to past club members, soccer fields, and much more.
All of the buildings on the grounds, as well as the large concrete parking lot and concrete driveway, were created by the hands of club members. Weekly, you’ll find a group of dedicated, hard-working, and talented men and women at the park, working on the latest project, and keeping those who are working on the projects well-fed. Their hard work and the pride they have in their club are evident as you stroll through Gottscheer Park.


German Central Foundation

7863 York Road
Parma, Ohio 44130

Today the German Central Foundation, which was founded in 2000, relies upon rents, membership fees, and donations. Everyone is welcome to share in the camaraderie regardless of ethnicity. The spacious grounds accompany the Main Hall, the Vienna Cafe, the Pavilion, a Gazebo, and many picnic tables throughout the open grounds. All buildings are available for rental, which can accommodate weddings, showers, family reunions, company picnics, graduation parties, or any other special occasion.
The German Central Calendar of Events lists dances, the Oktoberfest in September, the fish fries during Lent, Zumba classes are held on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 PM, Tuesday’s chess club, Wednesday’s fun nights, and Thursday’s line dancing. All of these events are open to the public.
The dances are held two Saturdays every month with well-known bands.
For those interested in becoming members, the annual membership donation is $20.00 per year per person.

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